Michigan Report Card

How does Michigan do on degree attainment, undergraduate enrollment representation, degree earner representation, and college affordability?

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Degree attainment

Degree Attainment

Attainment Gap (pct. pt.)

Attainment Growth (pct. pt.)

Enrollment representation

Community & Tech Colleges

4-Year Institutions

Selective Institution Gap

Degree earner representation

Associate Degree Rep

Bachelor's Degree Rep

Bachelor’s Degree Gap

College Affordability for Students from Low-income Backgrounds

Community & Tech Colleges

4-Year Institutions

Degree Attainment

Attainment Rate

Attainment Rank

Attainment Grade

Attainment Gap

Attainment Gap Rank

Attainment Gap Rating

Attainment Levels

Change in Degree Attainment Over Time

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Enrollment Representation

Enrollment Rep Grade

Enrollment Rep Score

Equation = ( ÷ ) x 100

(Percentage Enrolled) ÷ (Percent of Population)

Enrollment Rep Rank

How many additional students are needed to achieve equitable enrollment representation?

Gap Grade

Gap (pct. pt.)

Gap Rank

Selective Institution Attendance

Note: Institutions are considered selective if they: are the state flagship, have an average SAT of at least 1150 (or ACT equiv.), or are defined as “more selective” and “highest research” by the Carnegie.





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Degree Earner Representation

Degree Rep Grade

Degree Rep Score

Equation = ( ÷ ) x 100

(Degrees Earned) ÷ (Percent of Population)

Degree Rep Rank

How many additional Black undergraduates needed to graduate in 2016 to achieve equitable degree earner representation?

Gap Grade

Gap (pct. pt.)

Gap Rank






College Affordability

Select an option to update the data below.

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College Affordability for Students from Low-income Backgrounds

Actual Net Price *

Ideal Net Price **

Affordability Gap

Hours Needed To Work

How much does net price for students from low-income backgrounds need to decrease to make college affordable

Actual Net Price

New Net Price